We are proud to announce that from this day SmaCom Trade is Member of Public Association “Community Of Pulse Producers And Customers Of Ukraine” (SPPBU). Joining to a such community is not only to have some advantages, but also to have responsibility to members of the association. We are sure that that our activities within the organization will contribute to the development and prosperity of this industry in our country.
The main tasks of the organization are:
➢ Implement a Program Of Development In Ukraine Crops of chickpeas, lentils, beans on 2016-2020 years
➢ To develop and realize new programs related to the development of the pulse industry in Ukraine, together with research institutes, national and international organizations and other stakeholders
➢ To raise acute issues of the industry at all possible levels
➢ To conduct conferences, seminars, field days to promote pulses in Ukraine
➢ To assist in the strengthening of cooperation between specialists from different segments of the bean industry
➢ To attract international specialists for a collaboration and exchange by experience
➢ To support the breeding of new varieties and dissemination of science in every way
➢ to give an valuably opportunity to our industry to develop in a difficult market conditions
➢ Specialization of organization only on Pulses allows its members to be more successful in the questions of growing, processing and distribution.